Before tossing,
Before buying new,

Lend and Mend...when we can!

”I truly believe that everything I will ever need in this lifetime already exists. Nothing new needs to be created on my behalf. It's a matter of timing, connection, and distribution.”

- Elaina Rivais, founder and owner of Lend and Mend


Lend and Mend's "Library of Things" lets members borrow a wide range of household goods (like a Pressure Washer, Kitchen Aid, Impact Driver, Ukulele, and much more). See what's currently in the library and learn how to join.


Many people have broken items that feel too big to throw away, but too complex to have fixed. Let us help!
Lend and Mend will triage a broken item to either fix in-house, refer to a local repair shop, or help break down for the best possible disposal.


We want to engage and educate the community. Look out for local speakers talking about the waste stream, conversations about environmental justice, tours of local recycling facilities, repair cafes, clothing swaps, and more